SEO-No Tricks, Just Good Content

I have spent some time working on my website for my small local business. Much of the success I have found is from coming up high on organic search results. From the work I have done with SEO I now get an average of 3 jobs a week from people searching my key words and finding my website through organic search.

Google is getting smart these days. It used to be that you could link a bunch of random junky websites, of which you could pay for, and they didn’t have to have any relevance to your website. Basically, if you had more links than the next guy your site would rank higher. Today it is not so simple. Google knows that people want results that reflect what they are searching for and so with smarter computers Google’s search engine can’t be fooled so easy. The trick now is not to use any quick tricks but to create good and relevant content. Yes, Content is king.

Blogging is a way to add lots of relevant content to your site to help Googles smart search engines determine how relevant you are for a particular search query. Not only does blogging help your search results but it also gives viewers content to learn more about your company and brand. Well written blogs can help educate the public and help solve their problems. If you can solve their problems, you become valuable to them and your company and brand become more valuable to them.